GEN-Z  Pitch

In partnership with

Win $3,000 for your HIGH-SCHOOL Project


experience for free &


for  your PROJECT

Present your work to leaders OF DEEP TECH anD SCIEnce & connect with industry decision-makers


High school students of any age!

You should be working on a science/technology project or research (doesn’t have to be 100% finished or highly complicated, the main criteria — your excitement about the project).

You should be able to come to XPANSE in person in Abu Dhabi on November 20-22!

Participants get nominated only by our educational partners.

Thought leaders at xpaNse

Dr. Steven Chu

Nobel Laureate and Former U.S Secretary of Energy, Stanford University

Dr. Anton Zeilinger

Nobel Laureate in Quantum, University of Vienna

Dr. Shafi Goldwasser

Turing Award Laureate, Professor of Computer Science, MIT

Dr. Sean Carroll

Best Selling Author and Homewood Professor, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Yury Gogotsi

Distinguished Professor and Director, A.J Drexel
Nanomaterials Institute at Drexel University

Dr. Hiroshi Ishii

Associate Director, MIT Media Group and Head,
Tangible Media Group

Dr. Habiba Al Safar

Dean of College of Medicine and Health Sciences Medicine, Khalifa University

Dr. Vladimir Falko

Professor and Director, National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester

Dr. Paul Weiss

UC Presidential Chair and Distinguished Professor, UCLA

Dr. Anil Seth

Best Selling Author and Director, Centre for Consciousness Science, University of Sussex

Prem Akkaraju

CEO, Stability AI

Carolina Aguilar

CEO, INBRAIN Neuroelectronics

Lightning Pitch Format | 5 min talks
- You will have 5 MINUTES and a maximum of 8 SLIDES in your Presentation to showcase your project.
- Impactful presentations have more visuals, less text on the slides.
- Explain the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of your project/research. Tell us the story of WHY your project will benefit the world in the future, HOW your project will shape the technologies of the future, and WHAT you did to make that technology happen.
- Include Images, Videos, GIFs, Small demos of your working systems, or anything you want the audience to see, to make the presentation truly unique, truly yours, and give everyone a glimpse into the future of frontier science through the eyes of an exponential tech researcher.
- The pitch should be easy to understand to people from different backgrounds.
This is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your work to the leaders of frontier technology at such a young age and kickstart your career in this field! You will also be able to communicate with decision-makers that can provide you with insight, partnership, and career opportunities.

By participating at GEN-Z Pitch, you will get:
- Full access to XPANSE and all its activities for free.
- $3000 prize if you win the competition.
- An opportunity to practice your public speaking and presentation skills in front of industry experts.
- An opportunity to get feedback from the leading scientists, startup founders, and investors.
- Valuable connections with the members of the XPANSE community who can help you kickstart your career in deep tech.
- New connections with like-minded peers who you can share the start of your journey with and potentially build new projects together in the future.
The Winner of GEN-Z, Lightning Pitch
A multi-disciplinary panel of judges from academia professors and senior scientists, industry leaders, exponential tech entrepreneurs, and investors will attend your presentation at the Lightning Pitch Stage and they will select 1 winner.

- The winner will receive a prize of $3000.
-The winner will be announced on Nov 22.
-The winner will be invited to attend the award session.
- The winner will be interviewed onsite and the interview will be circulated on multiple platforms.
- The winner will be invited to the XPANSE VIP reception.
- The winner will be invited to the XPANSE networking sessions.


XPANSE Education Partners have the unique opportunity to nominate outstanding students with groundbreaking projects and research for the GEN-Z Lightning Pitch. After nominations, a thorough review process conducted by XPANSE's expert management board determines the final selections.

As an XPANSE Education Partner, your institution will gain visibility with your logo featured on our website and pitching page. You will also have the exclusive opportunity to nominate your most promising students for the GEN-Z Pitch, helping us uncover emerging talent and celebrate the innovators who will shape the future at XPANSE.

For Education Partnership opportunities, please contact us at